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A. 宗旨 :

1. 推廣居於加國卑詩省來自不同屆別的中大校友及前中大教職員之間的聯繫和互助

2. 建立和保持與母校及其他校友團體的聯絡

3. 建立和保持中大校友與本地社區的溝通和合作, 參與社區的公益及慈善活動

4. 支持和推動積極及有助達致卓越發展的計劃

B. 會章 (註冊原文為英文)

1. The name of the society is ” THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG (BRITISH COLUMBIA)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”).

2. The purposes of the Society are as follows:

(a) To promote, support and protect the interests of the members of the association;

(b) To promote the fellowship amongst the former students, graduates and staff of the Chinese University of Hong Kong who reside in British Columbia;

(c) To establish and maintain the relationship between the Society, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and other alumni associations in other parts of the world;

(d) To make grants and awards of scholarships for meritorious achievements or otherwise;

(e) To establish, undertake, superintend, administer or contribute to any charitable or benevolent funds;

(f) To receive, acquire and hold gifts, donations, legacies and devises to be dealt with as the Board of Directors see fit; and

(g) To undertake and execute any trusts which may be conducive to any of these objects.

3. The association is a non-political, non-profit-making, non-religious organization. It is to operate as an organization independent from any other organization located in British Columbia and elsewhere. This provision is unalterable.

4. The operations of the association are to be carried out chiefly in the Province of British Columbia. This clause is alterable.

5. If the Society is wound up or dissolved, all the assets of the Society available for distribution shall be transferred and delivered to such qualified Canadian charitable organizations as the members may be specifically resolved at the time of the winding up or dissolution. This clause is unalterable.

6. The operations of the Society shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used in promoting its purposes. This clause is unalterable.


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